Alienation Synonym

Alienation definition: 1. The feeling that you have no connection with the people around you or that you are not part of a. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus. Another word for alienation: estrangement, setting against, divorce, withdrawal, separation Collins English Thesaurus (2) Log In Dictionary. Dictionary Grammar Blog School Scrabble Thesaurus Translator Quiz More Resources More from Collins. Synonyms of 'alienation' alienation.
mass noun1The state or experience of being alienated.
‘unemployment may generate a sense of political alienation’- ‘A culture's excitement about the web is directly proportional to that culture's alienation from its everyday experience.’
- ‘That's why it has excited our culture beyond any reasonable expectation: It helps to heal our alienation from our own experience.’
- ‘Perhaps for all of them, the experience of exile led to a sense of alienation from their homeland, and to a growing feeling of pessimism about the prospects for change there.’
- ‘The concept of the actor observing himself and experiencing alienation from the self is evident throughout the videotape.’
- ‘We often felt, then, a profound sense of alienation from American culture and political life.’
- ‘Now think of some possible ways to link being gay, engaging in risk behaviors, experiencing hostility and alienation.’
- ‘I think your analysis about the disconnection and alienation from communities and the consequences is spot on.’
- ‘They recounted years of frustration and alienation from being ignored despite worry, illness and death.’
- ‘This goes together with the complete absence of any sense of distance or alienation from the government they elected.’
- ‘Chan says the situations in the novel genuinely reflect his experience, particularly the feeling of alienation that his hero experiences daily.’
- ‘Like most kids, I had my own experience of alienation, but the urge to merge with the crowd was stronger than any sympathy I might have shared for another outcast.’
- ‘Alice experiences alienation and fear for herself and her family, all the while keeping a personal journal including the daily headlines.’
- ‘From a more personal experience, I experienced alienation while visiting these clubs.’
- ‘Walden, as a sign of our exile from nature, complements what is considered to be a modern alienation from the sacred as well.’
- ‘These two feed on each other, the recollections of what is lost and the alienation from what is found.’
- ‘This implies first, that women must begin to overcome the alienation from, and learn again to be one with their bodies.’
- ‘Not the least of her problems is her painful sense of alienation from life - an alienation, she realizes, that neither wild nor domestic animals seem to feel.’
- ‘This movie lacked the alienation and angst of the first.’
- ‘This situation of alienation is made worse by the ‘voucher system’ which applies to all refugees who, having no friends or relatives, are compelled to accept public housing.’
isolation, detachment, estrangement, distance, separation, severance, parting, division, divorce, cutting off, turning away, withdrawalView synonyms- 1.1(in Marxist theory) a condition of workers in a capitalist economy, resulting from a lack of identity with the products of their labour and a sense of being controlled or exploited.
- ‘But the rhetoric of Marxist exploitation and alienation does not speak to the needs of non-labourers, and may indeed oppose them.’
- ‘Each chapter takes a detailed and wide-ranging look at aspects of Marxist theory such as alienation, oppression, the family and class struggle.’
- ‘On thing Marx is known for is his theory of worker alienation.’
- ‘Secondly, Marx was opposed to the state and figured that once capitalist relations of alienation were overthrown, there would be no need for a state any longer.’
- ‘The heart of the dialectic lies in Hegel's theory of alienation.’
- 1.2Psychiatry A state of depersonalization or loss of identity in which the self seems unreal, thought to be caused by difficulties in relating to society and the resulting prolonged inhibition of emotion.
- ‘In other words, they try to keep their addiction secret and suffer low self esteem and alienation as a result.’
- ‘The result is alienation, depersonalization, and degradation of the human purpose.’
- ‘Amotivation represents the lowest possible level of self-determination, as it implies a loss of personal control and alienation akin to learned helplessness.’
- ‘More recently, Seeman suggested that normlessness and meaninglessness are manifestations of anomie rather than of alienation.’
- ‘The teacher's certainty about his role, largely the result of alienation, asserts hierarchy.’
- 1.3An effect sought by some dramatists, whereby the audience remains objective and does not identify with the actors.
- ‘And, through that shock or that alienation effect, you're induced to rethink certain conditions.’
- ‘As the process is reflected upon, an effect of Brechtian alienation occurs, and the naturalization of genre is dismantled.’
- ‘In Henry V, the character of the Chorus serves as much to establish an effect of alienation as to plunge the audience into the fiction.’
- ‘This was the theory of alienation whereby the audience, already familiar with the story line, does not get caught up with the narrative.’
- ‘The two works amply demonstrate ways in which the separation of voice and image can be used by a director to create alienation in the audience and to shift the balance of power between characters on screen.’
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‘most leases contain restrictions against alienation’- ‘I think this Court has said on a couple of occasions that alienation is critical to ownership.’
- ‘The covenant is concerned with alienation of the property.’
- ‘I am not satisfied that an alienation or transfer of property, in and of itself, is a sufficient basis on which to imply a trust of that property.’
- ‘First used to indicate the process of alienation of Church property to the state, it soon came to be applied to the loss of temporal power by the Church.’
- ‘Another example of alienation arises when one joint tenant charges his interest in the property.’
transfer, conveyance, passing on, handing over, devolutionView synonyms
Dunlop echoplex settings. Late Middle English from Latin alienatio(n-), from the verb alienare ‘estrange’, from alienus (see alien). The term alienation effect (1940s) is a translation of German Verfremdungseffekt.