Area 51 Aliens

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Apr 12, 2015  Storming Area 51 FOR REAL! Chased By BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER Storming Area 51 Gone Wrong Storm Area 51 - Duration: 15:40. Treasure Hunting With Jebus 467,248 views. (3) As per former Canadian defense Minister Paul Hellyer, aliens of 80 different types are living amongst humans, of which three types are most common. The first type is tall whites who are working with US Air Force in Area 51 of Nevada. The second type is the short grays who have very slim legs and arms and are about five feet high.

Source: RJA1988/Pixabay“People desire to be part of something, to be ahead of the curve,” said sociologist Michael Ian Borer. “Area 51 is a place where normal, ordinary citizens can’t go. When you tell people they can’t do something, they just want to do it more.”Area 51 is an Air Force base used to test experimental aircraft, so we shouldn’t expect the Department of Defense to invite in the public to have a look around. The restrictions from entering Area 51 have only given conspiracy theorists more reason to question what’s inside.

In turn, the lack of access provides a ready explanation for not being able to provide proof that extraterrestrials are already locked away in Area 51. Source: Martin Str/Pixabay Scientific SkepticismTo suggest that the aliens are already here is like something out of The X Files. It would be breathtaking news, but right now, it’s only science fiction. As we contemplate the possibility of life beyond Earth, we need to have a mindset that combines the natural tendencies of the two protagonists of that television series. Like Mulder, we want to believe, but like Scully, we need to see the evidence.

Until someone introduces me to a large-eyed Grey, I’ll keep supporting the search for radio and laser signals from other star systems, rather than looking for the remains of crashed UFOs. Dear Dr Vakoch,It is good to reach your article in which you remind people that it is not so daunting to explore the galaxy as long as you are not worried about time. Unfortunately, many scientists seem to forget that there is no need for exotic methods of travel (like wormholes) provided you are happy to coast along for a few hundred thousand years. Today we understand that most exploration will be done by AI probes and we can infer that this will be the case for at least some other civilizations.In a fairly recent white paper 'NEW ASSUMPTIONS TO GUIDE SETI RESEARCH' Dr Colombano of NASA Ames research discusses the possibility such drone craft may have reached Earth. Colombano also points out that we should explore so-called UFO's to see if there is signal in the noise.

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It is possible some of the sightings of genuinely anomalous aerial phenomena may include alien probes.In fact, in my personal research, I have identified strong evidence for an alien technosignature here on Earth hidden in existing big data. I am currently in discussions with a small number of scientists as we explore ways to validate or dispute this positive identification. I would welcome being connected to one of your METI scientists if they would like to be included in the conversation.Kindest regardsBruce Fenton.

I have never personally seen or visited with aliens, and I don't say that I believe in their existence, but I also say that I do not disbelieve. It seems that the predominant attitude tends toward materialist thinking — nothing is valid unless we can prove it by way of scientific measurement. This is patently absurd, because it suggests that science has all the answers and has become the arbiter of how reality is defined and accepted. Science is out of its league in this field; it is self-limiting by way of Newtonian thinking and worse.Clearly, there is something going on — and has been for a very long time — regarding alien visitations and abductions. The phenomena is just too widespread, with a commonality to independent experiences, to overlook or write off as mental illness or delusional thinking.

It's easy for those of us who have not had a strange experience to deny invalidate those of us who have. Materialists like to label and defame the entire range of experiences, using the term conspiracy theories, delusions, craziness, and so forth.As we march forward in time, slowly, governments are beginning to confirm that UFOs are real (although in the US, the government is sidestepping culpability in its persistet, official denial by calling them UAPs).The work of psychiatrist John Mack is fascinating in terms of alien abduction experiences. And there are certainly many unexplainable signs of non-human beings and craft that have survived through the ages.I would contend that the major obstacle to accepting even the possibility of alien existence has to do with the ego and with a species-centric mindset. And this, of course, is rooted in fear — fear of the unknown, fear of uprooting old ideas (including religion and science), and so on.Perhaps, even, we are looking into the depths of space when when we should be looking right here, but beyond this dimension. I meant to address the wording in the headline regarding proof. Who is it that needs proof? Is proof the only way to know that something is real?

Of course it is not. I cannot prove that I am feeling sad, happy, or curious. And, of course, there has been a long debate over consciousness out of which David Chalmers, NYU, has come up with the term 'the hard problem of consciousness.' Essentially, he proposes that we know what it feels like to exist, yet this cannot be seen, measured, or proven from the outside.Expecting and relying on proof is a big problem.

It suggest something is not real if there is no way for others to validate the reality. Someone can say that he was in New Jersey last week and did not meet anyone he knew. He hitchhiked with strangers until he got to Princeton. Then he stayed with strangers who were nice enough to put him up and feed him. Then he told a friend that he was in New Jersey. His friend could easily invalidate him and say that he was not and that he had to prove his claim. You see where this is going.Or, a person may say that she knows what it is like to exist without the interference of the egoic mind.

You may say that she needs to prove this. But even without proof there is no effect on that person's sense of reality or ability to do what she says she is doing, or how she is perceiving life.Proof is not applicable in all situations, perhaps even in most situations to support someone's claims. The problem seems to be that we rely on proof because it is the only thing we know of to verify an experience or a claim.

But proof is impossible in many cases; it doesn't work regardless of scientific thinking to the contrary that suggests that proof is the only way to define reality. Mainstream science cannot prove or measure what is outside of itself. While your article basically states the facts regarding what scientific evidence is and is not regarding the existence of ET based on SETI example it totally glosses over the US Navy encounters in 2004 and 2014-2015. When you 'now have' authenticated videos released that have been confirmed by the military and have testimonies from proven Navy specialized radar techs and highly trained aviators you certainly have evidence of something intelligently controlled. That is to say the objects encountered were not balloons, birds, insects, atmospheric effects, hoaxes etc. Manuganu 2 test. (the unusual stuff skeptoids love to go too for explanations). This leaves really only two possibilities, either the objects/craft are of human origin or they are not of human origin.

In either case, the reality of these objects cannot easily be called into question now. Either option change(s) our reality and should call into question of what is really going on here. Storming area 51 and the like are now basic distractions to answering this question. For me the option of a non-human answer is more reasonable now than a human one. Because if the objects are of human origin we have been had by our own kind and that should scare the daylights out of everyone. What you said.

Plus, I am not sure why it is necessary for the United States to be the final arbiter as to whether UFOs are real, because other nations have recognized this fact for quite some time (e.g., Mexico). We're not the only ones to spot these objects on radar or to chase them with our fighter jets until they pull away at alarming speeds.We still do not know whether these craft are 'manned' (operated by living beings), and if they are there's some explaining to be done regarding how the operators can stand the G forces.I'm open to the possibility that there are things that are over our heads and far beyond our science and understanding. But in any case, the US government has been covering this up for a very long time. I agree with you. I am not sure of why there has been a cover-up for so long. In fact, it seems rather odd that there has been a denial of UFOs and it seems that the government is trying to weasel around this by changing the name of UFOs to UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), perhaps to deny culpability.

Just as there have been countless UFO sightings and (now by their own admission), the government has been aware of the existence of UFOs, there have also been countless accounts of interactions with alien life forms. Is this the next admission coming our way?. Well Billy Cox over at Devoid who is a journalist commentator that has taken on the UFO subject is beginning to believe that the general public is being fed a bit of the truth at a time. Small incremental steps (remember that scene in the movie Contact?) where a child could throw a tantrum if overly excited etc. I am not particularly agreeable with that scenario but that could be an explanation of what is happening. However it seems to me that there will be a day of reckoning(s) when the truth whatever it may be actually comes out in the open.