Crash Commando Trophy Guide

The rules here are simple.The game has to be one that you don't already own. So you can't use the warhawk patch as your next trophy game. The same goes for Pain or Novastrike if you already purchased them pre-trophies.Here is a list of confirmed games that will either come with trophies once released, or will be patched in the future.NOTE: Thanks to PS3Fanboy for this list.Supported Now.
(Trophy Guide coming soon!). To Be Supported At Release. Heroes Over Europe. ( ). Shaun White's Snowboard. Two Worlds: The Temptation. X-BladesTo Be Patched.
'Firefall,' the natural phenomenon that makes it appear that lava is flowing over a cliff at Yosemite National Park, is back- but only for a few days. The Yosemite Firefall was a summer time event that began in 1872 and continued for almost a century, in which burning hot embers were spilled from the top of Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park to the valley 3,000 feet below. From a distance it appeared as a glowing waterfall. Firefall yosemite national park.
Trophy List Unlockable How to Unlock BOOT CAMP BEAST (Silver) Complete all Grunt and Jarhead Boot Camp missions with a Commando Medal score. CRASH AND CONQUER (Silver) Win 20 online games. Check out all the Crash Commando trophies, latest news, previews, interviews, videos, screenshots and review from your number one PlayStation 3 resource site.
( September 4th). QUOTE='Idenowhereiam, post: 0Oh man I was hoping for ratchet and Clank to have trophies but I guess not. Looks like the Warhawk patch will be my next purchase along with Burnout when ever it gets the update./quoteThey made an announcement a while back they wouldn't have Ratchet and Clank trophies. There was a note that Quest for Booty won't either.I think novastrike will be my next more because its the next one out that I want to play. I looked at the warhawk list and I see its going to pertain more to those that have been playing since launch. So I won't be picking that up or the update.I sure hope something comes out soon, I am tired of trying to get 100% on SSHD and Eden just isn't that much fun for me.
Written ByWolfehound22
Crash Commando is a fast-paced 2D shooter that was released in mid December. It combines the fast paced shooting you come to expect from Warhawk and mashes into a 2d world. It was released with the much loved trophies. This game does a good job at making the trophies fun and enjoyable to achieve. Read on to see what we thought…
Difficulty: A-
Most of these trophies are really easy, and can be accomplished with not a lot of effort. The only trophy that will probably give you some problems would be Boot Camp Beast. This particular trophy will have you complete all Grunt and Jarhead Boot Camp missions with a Commando Medal score. A command medal is achieved at 1000 points that you acquire from getting kills, but will lose points with each second that goes by as well as with each death. The first 8 – 10 missions are pretty easy, but the last few can get quite frustrating since the computer very rarely misses you. Also Survival of the Fittest will take some talent. Not only do you need to get multiple kills in a row you also need to survive for a good length of time. And on top of this you need to do it 10 times. This will take some effort but by the time you get to level 25 you should have already done this many times. Other then those 2 trophies the other trophies are quite easy just may take some time to level up.
Time Consumption: C+
What makes this game time consuming would be the leveling up. The first few levels are pretty easy and fast to get to, but once you get to lvl 15 (4,000 pts) it will take you 10,000 points to get to lvl 25.
Relative to Game Play: A
Most of these trophies can be achieved by simply playing the game normally. There really is not any one trophy that will have you go out of your way to achieve, The only trophy that could take you out of the normal game play is Weapon’s 101. Most people generally only use 1 or 2 different guns, so this trophy will make you not only try out all the guns but get 20 kills with them.
Fun Factor: B+
This game is a lot of fun. The trophies only enhance the fun in this game. No trophies make you go out of your way of normal game play, the game is not overly difficult or frustrating, and other then getting to lvl 25 it will not take you to much time.
Multiplayer B
This game is basically online only. There is a single player part, but the real fun in online. Other then Crash and Conquer trophy where you will need to get 20 wins. All the other trophies will not require a lot of co-op from anyone online. Although if you have a good team online you should be able to rack up points easier and a good team makes getting the Demolition Expert and Hacker trophies since you will have good team to protect you.
PlayStation Lifestyle rated Crash Commando: Hardcore
Mountain, landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area, and considerable local relief. Mountains generally are understood to be larger than hills, but the term has. Mountain is an American hard rock band that formed on Long Island, New York in 1969. Originally comprising vocalist and guitarist Leslie West, bassist and vocalist Felix Pappalardi, keyboardist Steve Knight and drummer N. Smart, the band broke up in 1972 and has reunited frequently since 1973. A mountain is a large landform that rises above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill. Mountains are formed through tectonic forces or volcanism.These forces can locally raise the surface of the earth. Mountains erode slowly through the action of rivers, weather conditions, and glaciers.
Most of the Crash Commando Trophies are simple, but the few tough ones and the simple fact of the time you will need to put into this game to level up is why we rated this game Hardcore.
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