Darkstar One Map
Story Walkthrough – Mortok Space Grotok Cluster. Artifacts: Albola, Aranjar, Baylona, Martotacon. Occupied: Sassudia. Pirate Gangs: Albadiz, Alfabalas, Arrosloca, Baylona, Lular, Neplocruz.
DarkStar One: Broken Alliance Walkthrough Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough. Page 4 of the full game walkthrough for DarkStar One: Broken Alliance. Told that your next destination is all the way across the map in the Raptor Alpha cluster.
Other Systems: Alarluz, Alegenla, Bramurcia, Camvilje, Lucia, Lugoferra, Mandedulce, Masba, Matada, Naro, RubiroJump from the Waba system in Alpha Centauri to the Alegenla system in Grotok. This is the first system that is outside of Terran space and you can tell because of the different characters that greet you on the comm link for docking or police inspection. Surprisingly, nothing happens when you jump into the system. Dock at the trade station.The Mortok sell railguns instead of lasers. Consider upgrading if you have the cash as they shoot faster and hit harder than Terran lasers. There is also a side quest to accept here. You can accept the mission but the Naro system where you need to head is even further away.
Jump to the Lucia system and then to Mandedulce. Arriving here will open up most of the cluster.Head towards the research station (not the trade station) and ask for permission to dock. At first you’ll be denied, however drones attack and you need to defend the station. When you destroy the first drone, you unlock. 2 guidesAfter defeating all of the drones, you’ll be allowed to dock. After a story scene, you’re told that your next destination is all the way across the map in the Raptor Alpha cluster. When you launch, Eona remembers a friend who owes you a favor in the Bairnar system in the Pertok cluster.Time to go exploring this cluster though.
It’s quite busy with 5 artifacts to earn, 6 gangs to defeat, a system to liberate, and a side quest to complete. Let’s start with the side quest.Head down to the Naro system. You’ll be asked to destroy six satellites. When the fourth one is destroyed, a group of pirates jumps in to defend them. Defeat all of the pirates and the rest of the satellites. The reward for this mission is the key to the Martotacon system.Now progress through the rest of the systems, visiting trade stations and collecting artifacts and gangs. You’ll get the navigation data for the systems at the top of the cluster when you jump into one of the systems close.
The first artifact you pick up will let you level up your ship again. This raises your energy class to 3 so go to a dockyard and buy upgrades for all of your electronics.Picking up 3 artifacts in this cluster will give you a total of 10 which unlocks. 1 guideWith level 5, you can buy class 3 equipment. Since you almost certainly haven’t shot down the 500 asteroids yet, you should buy an Ore Harvester. Now, when you destroy an asteroid, you collect its minerals that you can sell at a trade station. You’ll also need an Ore Harvester for a quest much later in the game.When you’ve cleaned out this cluster, head to the Camvilje system and jump to the Arotorracin system in the Pertok cluster.Collectable Progress: Systems (55/300), Artifacts (12/100), Liberated (3/36), Pirate Gangs (11/46) Pertok Cluster. Artifacts: Rocete.
Occupied: Eicete. Other Systems: Alaniz, Arotorracin, Biarnar, Cavcala, RuloteMake your way to Biarnar. When you land, you’ll get a cutscene and unlock. 1 guideRamirez also offers the side quest for this cluster.
Accept this mission and fly to the Camrracin system. You will have to destroy two smuggler cargo ships, a Raptor cruiser, and escort fighters. I found that once all of the other ships have been destroyed, I could park myself directly in behind the cruiser and none of its turrets seemed to be able to hit me. When all of the ships are destroyed, you receive the key to the Biardorra system.Explore the rest of this cluster. Sarbrejar hides both an artifact and a pirate gang. There are other gangs at Tero, Aychena, and Avilmurcia.
Biardorra is an occupied system that requires liberating.You can’t head directly to your next destination in Raptor Nova as that cluster is too far away. You have to connect through Raptor Alpha first. Even reaching Raptor Alpha is beyond your current capability, but fortunately the Field Drive 6LY is in stock now to solve that problem.Collectable Progress: Systems (108/300), Artifacts (23/100), Liberated (6/36), Pirate Gangs (17/46).
You don’t see many spaceflight sims anymore. The golden days of Tie Fighter, Wing Commander and Elite are long passed, and in the intervening years the genre has fallen by the wayside. Space sims were set to make a comeback early in the new millennium with the highly ambitious Freelancer, but ever since then the only enduring presence has been the X series. It’s a real shame, with so many legendary games in the genre and a heritage dating back to Atari’s venerable Star Raiders, but I think the space sim’s faded significance has something to do with the industry’s shift to console gaming.For one, space sims are usually complex and are not the easiest games to get into. This nature typically demands an extensive control scheme, allowing the precise coordination of ship systems, commands and maneuvers. It’s easy to map this kind of control to a keyboard, mouse and maybe a well-designed flight stick, but cramming this complexity into a home console controller usually yields disastrously cumbersome results.
Look no further than 2006’s muddled, sluggish Star Trek Legacy for what can go wrong. Bad controls can ruin a decent space sim like ST Legacy, but curiously enough another game in the genre came out in the same year. DarkStar One hit most of the right notes on the PC, and is considered a solid, if not exceptional entry in the spaceflight field. In a gutsy move, Kalypso Media and Gaming Minds have ported the game to the Xbox 360 as the revamped, refreshed DarkStar One: Broken Alliance. The game has seen numerous touch-ups and the addition of new content, but most striking of all is just how well it takes to the 360.Whatever you say about DarkStar on the 360, you have to admit it has damn good controls for a console space sim. Throttle is mapped to the right analog stick, and while you don’t have the precise control you’d get from a flight stick, you can still select reverse, neutral, full and goose the afterburners for a speed boost. You fire missiles, activate your special weapons and control basic targeting with the face buttons, while the D-pad handles weapon cycling and communications.

Each system has its own trade station were you can land, repair, restock and take side missions. The side quests don’t give you anything but money, but there’s a decent variety of them and you can gauge the difficulty depending on the award posted, so they work sort of like an extended tutorial. Most clusters have their own dedicated side quest that deals with the local politics and factions, also accessible from the trade station.The star map also helpfully highlights which systems have hidden artifacts within their asteroid fields. These literal glowing green rocks are the only way to upgrade the DarkStar One, and are usually secreted in large asteroids or are awarded for liberating a besieged system.
Your ship is divided into three sections and upgrading each one grants you new levels and slots for equipment and weapons. You can also unlock and power up the ship’s plasma injector, which, after numerous upgrades, can drastically augment weapons, shields and other vital systems—a real life saver in a desperate battle. Hunting for artifacts is kind of a pain at first and for the most part it’s necessary; you won’t get too far in with your puny starting equipment, and you can’t buy upgrades without the necessary levels. I kind of wish the game had a standard XP system, but then again finding the artifacts is easier than doing a dozen repetitive side quests, so it ultimately cuts down on grinding.
The movie is the 1965 Hollywood film 'Battle of the Bulge.' This movie is a fictitious account of the last major offensive operation by the Germans in WWII. Henry Fonda gives a solid performance as usual and Telly Savalas plays a fun/lovable character. To prevent this occurrence, Hitler orders an all out offensive to re-take French territory and capture the major port city of Antwerp. 'The Battle of the Bulge' shows this conflict from the perspective of an American intelligence officer as well as from a German Panzer Commander. Written by Anthony Hughes. The film is based on a true events, taking place on Christmas 1944, Army Lt. Robert Cappa and his platoon of 2nd Infantry Division soldiers have been ordered to hold a vital road junction against. Battle of the Bulge is a 1965 American widescreen epic war film produced in Spain, directed by Ken Annakin, and starring Henry Fonda, Robert Shaw, Telly Savalas, Robert Ryan, Dana Andrews, and Charles Bronson. The feature was filmed in Ultra Panavision 70 and exhibited in 70 mm Cinerama.
You’ll also find yourself plotting the quickest course to systems containing artifacts, so you’ll end up visiting more systems in the end instead of glossing over huge swathes of the game.There’s a healthy variety of things to do but some are more exciting than others. If you’re so inclined you can outfit your ship with cargo drones and turn it into a goods hauler, and do the buy low/sell high trading game that’s a staple of space sims. A mining module turns your weapons into rock cutters, so you can blast away at asteroids and debris and sell the valuable minerals inside.
You can make a lot of money this way but it’s more fun to hunt pirates, which there is definitely no shortage of. More illicit jobs include sabotage, raids, surveillance photography, eavesdropping and the vindictive destruction of kindhearted traders who were too charitable with their cargo, but these jobs can skew your reputation to the negative side and even get you some unwanted attention from the space fuzz.DarkStar One has serviceable combat gameplay—which is good considering you do a LOT of it—but it never reaches the heights of other space sim giants.
Enemies are on the whole pretty dumb, and upping the difficulty only increases weapon damage, not AI. Surviving a firefight with multiple pirates largely depends on how advanced your ship is in relation to your enemies, rather than your dogfighting prowess.In addition to front-firing cannons most ships (including your own when you reach the right level) have auto-targeting, auto-firing turrets. Even when your crosshairs aren’t on a pirate, your turrets will often be laying down constant weaker fire and conversely you’ll be absorbing the same from enemies, so precise aiming and accuracy aren’t crucial to winning. It’s more about having shields and power generators strong enough to survive the barrage, so you’ll find yourself upgrading to the latest tech every couple of clusters so that you can stay in the fight.
Other space sims, like the masterful Star Trek Bridge Commander, worked wonders with this idea by focusing on capital ship combat, but Bridge Commander still put a heavy emphasis on strategy. DarkStar One has much more of an arcade feel. DarkStar’s graphics are noticeably dated but they hold up pretty well and construct an attractive, immersive galaxy. Each star system is functionally pretty similar to the rest—trade and research stations, a nearby debris or asteroid field, maybe a pirate stronghold or sensor anomaly. It’s the visuals that set these places apart, though; breathtaking planetary backdrops, radiation-spewing singularities, crackling electrical storms, stellar dust clouds and dense belts of rock, crystal and metal, maybe left over from a shattered moon or some catastrophic space battle. There is a lot of repetition in Darkstar, both in locations, missions and plain old gameplay, and it’s fair to say there’s more style than actual variety, but it’s an enjoyable galaxy to explore nonetheless.In fact that’s a good way to sum up DarkStar One. It’s dated, has more camp than dignity, its gameplay is fairly repetitive and isn’t as involved as its genre-defining predecessors.
For some reason, though, I was still hooked on it for a good two weeks and could barely pull myself away to write this review. It takes the bare elements of what made the genre great—combat, trading, an engaging story—and distills it down into a simpler form that is still a lot of fun and no less addictive. As a console space sim it successfully translates that formula into a natural, intuitive experience—no small achievement for the genre, and as far as I know, a unique one for the 360. You really aren’t going to find anything quite like it elsewhere in the 360 library, at least no games that do it as well.If you’re an old fan of the genre like me, DarkStar One will fit you like a well-worn flightsuit.
Conversely, if you’re looking to get into space sims this game’s somewhat streamlined gameplay is a good starting place. It’s an artifact of an older age in more ways than one, but I’m hoping it sparks new interest in space sims, serving as a blueprint and inspiration for a new, more ambitious generation of games. About AuthorI've been gaming off and on since I was about three, starting with Star Raiders on the Atari 800 computer. As a kid I played mostly on PC-Doom, Duke Nukem, Dark Forces-but enjoyed the 16-bit console wars vicariously during sleepovers and hangouts with my school friends. In 1997 GoldenEye 007 and the N64 brought me back into the console scene and I've played and owned a wide variety of platforms since, although I still have an affection for Nintendo and Sega.I started writing for Gaming Nexus back in mid-2005, right before the 7th console generation hit.
Since then I've focused mostly on the PC and Nintendo scenes but I also play regularly on Sony and Microsoft consoles. My favorite series include Metroid, Deus Ex, Zelda, Metal Gear and Far Cry. I'm also something of an amateur retro collector. I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with my fiancee and our cat, who sits so close to the TV I'd swear she loves Zelda more than we do.