Space Pirates And Zombies 2 Guide

Cdarklock Pointed out that i had forgotten to mention Lore Nodes in the thread - thank you2: stall / halt your progress when you get your first base. Do NOT go to the signal.3: now take your time and grind. Kill everything (Bandits) you can. Help Indepent captains & Faction captains battle Bandits.4: Try to limit fighting other captains as much as possible. (unless you want to be hated and like that sort of thing or unless you want to join a fight in progress for some loot drops - see further in the list for more info on this - Tip 14)5: At every Starbase, ALLWAYS check the ARENA for matches you can join. There are 5 ranks, each one is harder but gives more xp and scrap. 1-3 should be easy to do low lvl.
4-5 gets very hard. At low lvl, do NOT stress if you can't win the 4-5. Just move on to another starbase and do the Arena there. You can do those harder matches later when you've lvl'd more and have more perks. Makes a diference. In these fights, you do NOT use your ship, so it does not matter how much damage you take.
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Spaceship-building shoot-o-strategy sandbox Space Pirates and Zombies 2 today officially launched, following eighteen months in early access. No, don't mind. Midweek Madness - Space Pirates And Zombies 2, 33% Off: September 27th, 2016: Save 33% on Space Pirates And Zombies 2 during this week's Midweek Madness.! In SPAZ 2 you must survive in an evolving post apocalyptic Galaxy. The zombie threat is defeated, infrastructure has collapsed, fuel is scarce, and scavenging means survival.
You will not need to pay for repairs etc.Mork pointed out that a starbase's Arena can be reset by giving control of that starbase you have completed all arena's in to a diferent captain from your faction. So you don't have to fly to other stations. Mork6: Never buy or sell at a starbase before doing the arena.
Each rank match you win raises the Starbase's owner reputation with you. The higher their rep, the less stuff costs and the more you get for selling. Think ahead, if you know you want to buy lots of Power items (or one of the others) then go out of your way to help the owners of the stations that sell that type. Thus lowering costs.7: Never sell Goons or Rez. You will need them once you progress in the campaign. Do not forget to put it in your Starbase's Stash to limit the penalties from Hotbunking (having to many Goons).8: Save up a nice amount of Scrap before you do, so you can build and upgrade the starbases you will need.
250k ish was good enough for me, though i sure could have used alot more.9: Your 1st starbase will generate scrap, rez and goons over time. It helps if you pick a good spot (like a zone with 3 scrap nodes), it also makes more from npc's who go there and use the shop. It also sends out transport haulers to pick up the resources left behind from battles in the zone, but they can get killed doing so; if successfull you get even more Rez and Goons. I would go farm far away, come back to dump a load of rez and goons and pick up my 'cut'; which ranged from 8k to 192k (i had been gone a long time)It was brought to my attention that in the Campaign, after you build your very 1st Starbase, that you should NOT build more. You will not control them, since you are ONLY a member of a Faction and not the Leader of your own Faction; thus, they will be given to ramdom faction members by the Leader of the Faction you joined. Credit to 4RARGameMachine CGamerC owner I was under the impression that all stored Rez, Scrap and Equipment would be lost.
This is NOT the case-important warning - Clearly mark a save game prior to continuing this Campaign plot mission to Investigate the Unkown Signal; in case the Dev has changed this.11: Now that you've made your own Faction you can recruit henchmen. Remember all the friends you made, those Independant Captains, hire the ones who have good traits, like: + to help others +stay in faction etc. You will need more bases to be able to hire more captains and you will want to hire as many Captainis as you can.12: Don't forget, you can give Tributes to anyone (except infected meatbags).
Chapter 1: House. Click on the trunk to open it (A). Click in the trunk to access the HOG scene (B). Take a closer look at the nest (C). Move the eggshells apart. Take the brooch (D). To get the banana, use the key to open the cage. Collect the items on the list at the bottom of the screen to get the JACK. Weird park scary tales game. Weird Park: Scary Tales is rated 4.4 out of 5 by 147. Rated 5 out of 5 by from A superb game for the entire family!!! What a wonderful game.I had some bonding time with the G'Kids and at times I helped them through the unusual spots. The whole game is doable by young folk and older folks alike!!!
Give them poor equipment, or scrap. Never give them Rez or Goons.
Max out your Reputation with them before hiring them, so they have higher loyalty. This can be done even too all the Captains of the factions you've been at War with. Though it costs alot more.13: Have a backup save at certain points beffore progressing in the campaign. Its easier to reload than it is the restart.14: At low lvl, sometimes join a fight in progress, against a high lvl, high threat captain. Do NOT have a wingman so you do NOT share loot and xp. Then when you win, you get some great stuff.
This is a fast method to level up early and to get much better equipment drops, the downside is lowering your reputation which can lead to more bounties placed on you and your stations. This can be mitagated by using the Tribute option and giving them scrap or poor equipment.15: To have a higher chance of finding 5 star equipment in your shops; you should build a minimum of 4 of 1 specific starbase type at max lvl. CdarklockI don't agree with absolutely everything here, but it's all good advice. I have a simpler method.- Go into a new, unexplored sector.- If there is lore in it, go grab it.- If there is no spaceport, ransack the resource nodes.- If there IS a spaceport, land there and do all the arena battles you can handle.- Leave the spaceport.- Help people fight bandits, if you see anyone fighting them. Just bandits. Not other captains.- If you can handle it, fight any nearby bandits you can see yourself.- Again, if you can handle it, fight any bandit hives in the sector.When you have explored every sector and done this in all of them, go through them again until you have completed all of the arena battles in every station.You should now be so overleveled and well-provisioned that you can stomp through the campaign like Gojira.
@DiarmuhndSomething to add that I found out a while ago if you want to add it.- Everything you collect effects on how much rez you burn. Every item you collect as an amount of weight to it and in term effects on how fast your ship burns Rez. Larger ships @ 60 + threat. If you have lets say 1- 2 socket thruster and 2 - 1 socket thrusters you'll burn with no extra weight ( No strike ships as well ) your looking to travel at about 28 - 30 ish at the lowest setting and 92 at the highest.

You'll burn about 4 rez every second though. ( Depends on how your cores are placed & thrusters. )- Smaller ships will use a smaller amount of Rez accordingly. I know how hard the Steam editor can be to use. I find it's much easier to edit a file in an external editor and then copy+paste it into the Steam edit box.
That way it'll be easier to correct all spelling errors/etc.! Great guide!Some corrections I noticed:grammer - grammar; unkown - unknown; 5 star - 5-star; npc's - NPCs; alot - a lot; Its easier - It's easier; Anonamous - anonymous; independant - independent; ramdom - random; successfull - successful; beffore - before; recieved - received; Indepent - independent; If your - If you're; all arena's - all arenas; ALLWAYS - ALWAYS; 'cut'; which - 'cut', which; puiblic - public; captainis - captains; ranks, each - ranks; each.