Space Station 13 Game

Space Station 13, the greatest clown simulator ever created, or atmossimulator? Who knows, but if you have ever played SS13 before you canagree on one thing and that is that BYOND sucks! This is whereunitystation comes in. Started in November 2016 unitystation hasendeavored to ensure SS13 has a long and prosperous future outside ofByond by cloning the /TG/ source to Unity.A lot of work has been completed since its humble beginnings in 2016 andwe have just released our first public alpha release on our version ofthe byond hub called the Station Hub. The project has a growing and dedicatedcommunity of contributors who are eager to see this thing become areality.
After about three years, the popularity (yes, 10 players on a server was considered a popular game) of Space Station 13 started to drop. The few people with the original source files started to lose interest. During a house visit, a 256MB flash drive probably saved the game from extinction. So yeah, the source was stolen by someone.
Best of all it is all open source and.Butthe journey to Version 1.0 is still a long one and this is wherepatreon comes in. Funds raised will be used to place 'Bounties' on eachTODO ticket that will provide an incentive for contributors to completework a lot sooner then what would of occurred.

We call this the Nanotrasen Bounty System.Code submitted for each ticket will be peer reviewed before the bountyis awarded. On top of this patrons will have a say in the development ofunitystation with larger donors having more power. Having the NBSsystem means unitystation can achieve version 1.0 at lightning speedwhile also rewarding those who take the time out to contribute!All transactions will be made visible and public on our.To find out more visit:Website:Steam:Discord:GitHub:Road Map:An overview of SS13 for those who areunfamiliar:Thank you for visiting our patreon page,- Doobly.