Blackwake Gameplay

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Here I will show which things you need to do in blackwake if you want to be successful winning games with your team.
Key & Mouse Assignment
Default settings would be like this:
First of all when you join a server you will be asked which faction you want to enter. You can choose from pirates and the navy but it does not make a difference.
After that you can decide which ship you want to spawn on. Then you can select a main weapon, a side weapon, a melee weapon and a special equipment. In addition you will also spawn with a hammer(head over to 'Repair your Ship' for more information). There are four main weapons at the moment: The standard musket, the blunderbuss, the nockgun and the hand mortar but you can only aim accurately with the standard musket. The other ones are more like shotguns and are used for close combat. I highly recommend trying out the hand mortar because it shoots bombs which is good for killing multiple enemies at once. Next we have the side weapons which will allow you to have even more firepower and maybe even save you from death when your primary weapon has no ammo loaded.
This time we have 5 options we can choose from. There is the standard pistol, the duckfoot, the short pistol, the annley revolver and the matchlock revolver. Here i would use an pistol with more than just one gun barrel because you will have an higher chance on hitting an enemy or maybe even more. Of course it will take longer to reload.
Next we have the melee weapons but it doesnt seem to me that it makes much difference which one you will be using. Maybe the dagger and the broken bottle deal less damage and attack faster than the rapier and the cutlass. Anyways you wont be using these weapons that often.
At last i will talk about the special equipment you can take with you. First of all there is the the health beverage which will be different in each faction. If you join the pirates you will have rum and in the navy faction you'll have tea. This item will recover health. you will need to drink about three to four times to get back to 100% health. Then there is a tomahawk and a grenade. If i would have to decide from these two I would rather take the grenade because you have a higher chance of hitting an enemy than with a tomahawk.
Next we go over to the main things you have to do on your ship.There are several things you will have to do to keep up your ship: You have to repair your ship, pump out the water which is inside your ship and extinguish fire.
You will always spawn with a hammer which is used to repair holes, sails, this long pole right on front of your ship and cannons.
There are pumps on every ship which you can use to pump out all the water. On the Hoey the pump is in the middle of the deck right next to the main mast. On the Galleon there are two pumpson the lower deck.
If you look around you will probably find some buckets on the deck. I dont know if there are buckets on the hoy too but on the galleon definitly. Just pick one of them up and left click while you are aiming at a bruning spot.
You have many ways of destroying other ships or killing people.
The most obviously method is using the cannons on both sides of your ship. Before shooting them you or your mateys need to power it with some gunpowder. You find gunpowder in these boxes beside the cannons. Next you will be choosing a ammunition type. You can choose from a normal cannonball or the grapeshot. You should use cannonballs if your target is far away and if your target is right next to you then you should use the grapeshot. If filled up with gunpowder and an ammo type you will need to push into the cannon with a ramrod (You will automatically equip a ramrod if you need it). Last step is just aiming for a good moment to shoot(by the way dont shoot randomly you will loose points).
If one of these crates are empty you might just go into your ship's bow and pick up a supply crate. If picked up it will consume 2% of your total resources.
Other way damaging other ships is using these two smaller cannons which are located at the front of your ship and in the middle. The front cannons are used for destroying the enemies sails while the middle cannons are used to kill the crew of the other ship.
Front cannons:
Anti-infantry cannons:
As Captain of the ship you may also just ram the ship you want to destroy but care your ship will also take some damage.

Written by Ðankplank.
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Blackwake is a multiplayer naval FPS focused on teamwork and cooperation. Broadside or board enemy ships as a crew with intense FPS Naval Combat based in the Age of SailMan the cannons and fire off coordinated broadsides with other players to sink the opposing ship. You will fight as a crew of up to 16 real players on a ship led by another player that has been voted as captain. Modes can have up to 54 players in a battle!
Coordinate and cooperate to be efficient and be a devastating crewIf you’re part of the crew, you may help the ship in any way you see fit without being forced to a role. You can be the part of the gunnery crew by loading cannons and firing at the enemy, or be the master of repairs and help keep the ship afloat by patching holes in the ship, repairing sails, or pumping out water. Help keep your ship’s fire power up by running supplies for your fellow crewman, or even board an enemy ship and conquer it! Lead your crew as the Captain and dominate the opponent or defeat an arch nemesisIssue commands to your crew, keep the coordination flowing as to which side to be at the ready, focusing on repairs or boarding the enemy!
You can order which sides of the ship you want loaded with what, and motivate them until victory or death. Captain nominations occur at the start of the round and captain ratings improve or worsen depending on your success or failure. Game modes with variationRanging from a traditional duel style 1v1 ship deathmatch all the way to a 3v3 deathmatch of various ship sizes, you will be tested as a captain, your coordination with other captains, and as a crew. Weather will change with each round, spanning from a calm day with islands to a heavy storm in the open ocean. More game modes are planned to come in free content updates to make sure things stay interesting!
Communication is keyThere are multiple voice chat channels to keep coordinated, global, crew, faction, and proximity. Tell the powder monkey next to you, to fill yer’ crate or the friendly ship’s captain to come to your aid.
Aside from voice channels there are also crew commands that are extremely helpful to people without microphones. You can expect the crew with the best communication and cooperation to win!
Customization as both player and yer ShipName your ship, change its colors and make it known in tales told. Change your appearance and outfits to display your skill, time played and persistence as a fellow crewman. Developers that are passionate about feedback and are part of the communitySince our early development and Kickstarter we’ve spoken to our players through both discord and in-game chat, taking suggestions and feedback with care in real time. Every suggestion made by our players is truly considered and discussed, and we’ve been careful to keep in line with the vision we set out to create for Blackwake. The result is a game that we all helped create together and can enjoy together. As long as Blackwake breathes we’ll keep her fed with contentWe want to keep developing Blackwake with FREE additional content to make Blackwake the best possible game it can be. No paid DLC to divide the community or pay to win items to give players who spend more an advantage.
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We have many more ideas for Blackwake, and we’re excited to use them to keep the game fresh and active.