Cookie Clicker 2017

Under rating threshold iislushieii never added anything to the game and turtles do not have anything to do with cookies. Even though i'm not a Dev i do NOT care because even if you think criticism is bad it is made to help Devs make their games better but your's is so bad i can't help it: it is a badly made copy of the real cookie clicker, you easily had the option of making better drawing, you say you aren't the best game creator but you could've waited and made it better. Like seriously: only one automatic money maker. I have one verdict; this is a bad game and you should: 1 make it better 2 take criticism better cause it helps 3 change occupation than game DESIGNER not creator. Under rating threshold this game is a trashy clone, not only do you cry when people try to give you hints on how not to suck, not only do you reply with silly grammar and words. Please use the words 'pre-alpha' next time, or work a Little bit more on your projects before you come to kongregate.
If I knew you were akid and only that, you would've gotten 4/5, but due to your rudeness to people who try to improve the game instead of just 'bah this game sucks (which it does)', they took their time to help you. Under rating threshold I know you don't have much time to work on it, but you should have seriously added a lot more too it before uploading to Kong.
Published on Oct 26, 2017. HOW TO HACK COOKIE CLICKER COOKIES AND SUGAR LUMPS.INFINITE. Duration: 9:34. Coco Supreme 34,284 views. How to Hack Cookie Clicker without inspect element!
Developer response fromOkay sir, you're rudeness and criticism on my games is not really enjoyable, If you dislike my game or any of my future games please just stay away from them because I would really love to hear you're major success's in video game development. I am not the best at game making okay I am a kid that decides to use his spare time in becoming more knowledgeable about computers and how games are made and how all these little electronics work, I should not have to waste all my time replying to pricks like you. You should learn to find a more kindlier way to dislike my games instead of trying to call it out on how many clones there are or how terrible it is, some people may enjoy it so I decide to put it out there, its something different and if you really want to get into this, go ahead and make you're on cookie clicker you jerk, now good day to you sir.
Cookie ClickerCookie Clicker is an incremental game. Is here to help you make more cookies.It was released on August 8th, 2013. Game Updates.9/28/19 - Live updated to 2.021.9/24/19 - Beta updated to 2.021.8/08/19 - Android Beta releasedSubreddit Rules.Be excellent to each other.Please report spam and posts that break the subreddit or Reddit rules.No 'here's how many cookies I have!' Posts.Achievement posts should be kept to a minimum and are only appropriate for milestone achievements.Don't post saves.If you need help, explain your problem in detail and post screenshots of your stats.Please search the subreddit, the and the before asking any questions about the game.The answers to most questions about the game can usually be found in one of these three locations. Eldevin reputation meaning. Questions that are answered elsewhere may be deleted.Only posts related to Cookie Clicker are allowedThe official version. The official mobile version for android was uploaded by Dashnet.
Other versions are knockoffs and not to be discussed here.Filter PostsUpgradesVersionsPCAndroidOther Links:.Tools, Mods & Add-Ons.-.-.-.-.-Follow Orteil.