Entanglements Meaning

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Pronunciation /inˈtaNGɡəlmənt//ɪnˈtæŋɡəlmənt//enˈtaNGɡəlmənt//ɛnˈtæŋɡəlmənt/


  • 1The action or fact of entangling or being entangled.

    ‘many dolphins die from entanglement in fishing nets’
    • ‘Humpback recovery looks strong, but threats such as boat traffic, entanglement in fishing gear, sonar noise, and disruption of habitat and food supply remain.’
    • ‘Those include pollution, boat strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, and developments that impact on whale breeding grounds, feeding grounds, and migration routes.’
    • ‘Toxic chemicals, oil spills, entanglement in fishing gear and depleted habitats are among the threats to California's sea otters.’
    • ‘Another organisation has also found an increasing number of boat strikes and entanglement in monofilament fishing lines.’
    • ‘Ship collisions and entanglement in fishing gear now make up 50 percent of known right whale deaths.’
    • ‘In a few cases, biologists found evidence of ship strikes (propeller cuts) or entanglement in fishing gear.’
    • ‘Today the biggest threat facing right whales is collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing gear.’
    • ‘But even in these most remote outposts, threats are growing from offshore fishing pressures and entanglement in long-lines.’
    • ‘A new report reveals that Tanzania's population of dugongs is on the verge of collapse as a result of accidental entanglement in gill nets.’
    • ‘Continuing, he explained that crush injuries involving animals or entanglement in machinery account for most farm accidents.’
    • ‘If toys have protruding objects, be alert to possible entanglement hazards, particularly loose clothing or strings around a child's neck.’
    • ‘Litter poses a threat to dolphins, whales, turtles and seabirds by entanglement in and ingestion of plastics.’
    • ‘Strikes by ships and entanglement in some types of fishing gear are the biggest threats to the endangered right whales.’
    • ‘The pier is a popular fishing location, but divers need to be aware of the risk of fishing-line entanglement.’
    • ‘By resolve, I mean, coming to a point where each of you are fairly free of the emotional entanglement that holds you together and generates the pain and fear.’
    • ‘I like the idea of a friendship that could be discontinued at will but worry that this could quickly deteriorate into emotional entanglement, hers or mine.’
    • ‘An affair is consensual sex and/or emotional entanglement between two willing adults, one of which has previously promised not to do such things.’
    • ‘Elizabeth, 11, barely speaks, and she views her adoption by the Sheridans as just another temporary situation, to be endured without emotional entanglement.’
    • ‘He was eight years older and wary of entanglement after a painful affair with Barbara Stanwyck.’
    • ‘It's a fairly cold action film, strong on car chases and killing, but without much emotional entanglement.’
    1. 1.1A complicated or compromising relationship or situation.
      • ‘The storyline skips through similar romantic entanglements and political intrigues, en route to another happy ending.’
      • ‘Romantic and political entanglements begin to reveal themselves, exposing the secrets and baroque relationships among the townsfolk.’
      • ‘Given the single status of most of the characters, the plots naturally involve romantic entanglements and explicit sexual dialogue and situations.’
      • ‘Sharon told him that Chris avoided romantic entanglements in order to focus on working towards a lucrative career.’
      • ‘For the entire time that she had been living in New Haven, she had studiously avoided romantic entanglements.’
      • ‘This occurred in spite of the girls' initial intentions to avoid romantic entanglements.’
      • ‘Legislation is typically worked through in terms of the English nation: its internal situation, its external entanglements, and the pressure of domestic opinion.’
      • ‘He begins affairs with two women - a romantic entanglement which ends in tragedy.’
      • ‘Our history, as he deftly shows, does not reflect a tendency toward isolationism but an avoidance of entanglements - those complications that partners can bring to a mix.’
      • ‘Despite the complicated love entanglements of his novels, his focus is not on romance or adventure, but on the political realities and theories that his characters express.’
      • ‘But what Thoreau was least good at was deciding how best to live within the complicated entanglements of other individual people.’
      • ‘These patterns of fear, challenges and entanglements with other opposing political actors have shaped the form of governance against all types of imminent or anticipated threats to their domination over power.’
      • ‘What was also great was that we were not looking for romantic entanglements.’
      • ‘The ensuing chase reveals not only more treachery but also a passel of romantic entanglements.’
      • ‘The romantic entanglements of a touring dance company are played out one midsummer night as they travel on a train.’
      • ‘Matters are complicated by the entanglements these old members have with several current undergraduates, who have motives of their own.’
      • ‘I am married to a minister who has had one physical affair and at least one emotional entanglement in the past 10 years.’
      • ‘It takes into account the inherent entanglement of psychophysical systems and the fact that such systems have their own history.’
      • ‘The fallout of this particular affair, his entanglement with a childhood friend of hers - another innocent - and its ugly denouement is what constitutes the plot of the novel.’
      • ‘My lifelong entanglement with pay phones dates me; when I was young they were just there, a given, often as stubborn and uncongenial as the curbstone underfoot.’
      involvement, complication, mix-up, adventure, undertaking
      affair, relationship, love affair, romance, fling, flirtation, dalliance, liaison, involvement, attachment, affair of the heart, intrigue
      View synonyms
    2. 1.2An extensive barrier, typically made of interlaced barbed wire and stakes, erected to impede enemy soldiers or vehicles.
      ‘the attackers were caught up on wire entanglements’
      • ‘Due to shortages of iron and steel barbed wire entanglements were erected using wood posts hammered into the ground.’
      • ‘In modern French, the term has come to be used for portable barbed wire entanglements.’
      • ‘It could have been the result of the considerable activity then going on along the coastline by defence preparations, with the laying of landmines and barbed wire entanglements.’
      • ‘The barbed wire entanglements were so strong that they were never penetrated though hundreds died trying.’
      • ‘Yes, the bolster is drawn across the bed, with barbed wire entanglements and snipe holes arranged.’
      • ‘During the battalion's advance on the village, the troops were met by fire from two machine-guns which were entrenched and strongly covered by wire entanglements.’
      • ‘As soon as we touched the beach we could see wire entanglements.’
      • ‘A burst of gunfire swept the ground to his left, several rounds zinging off the barb wire entanglement to the left of the path that had been cleared through the wire by the pioneers in preparation for the assault.’

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