Epicmafia Rules

Meet the Granny, who is not as frail as she looks. I cant stay logged in/someone is tampering with my acct (self.epicmafia) submitted 1 year ago. by rlypissedguy Hi, I lost my account with about 3k games played, because my login password simply stopped working.
Contents Epicmafia RulesIn Epicmafia, there are rules you should follow, if you do not follow these rules, you might get banned, always remember to play fair, be nice and most importantly. Have fun!Game ViolationsViolations regarding ranked epicmafia games played in the Main Lobby. Lobby Trolling also applies to unranked games. CheatingUsing outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game, using multiple accounts in the same game, taking screenshots of your game and showing them to other players to prove your alignment, or repeatedly playing with the intent for another person to win regardless of your own win condition. Pretending to cheat as a reaction test is also considered cheating.Expires in 12 months.
24 hour suspension. Lobby ban. Copied Mechanics: Using a copy/paste or ctrl + v function to copy an in-game system message or night action to attempt to prove alignment (e.g cop report or cop meeting). This includes fake reports, fake copied meetings, and messages from spy/agent or similar roles. Other players in game may not request details from night meetings or graphical mode to determine alignment. Whispers and Timestamps are NOT included in this rule.
Expires in 2 months. Warning. 1 hour suspension. 12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban.
Encouraging Rule Breakage: Encouraging other people to suicide, spam, cheat or otherwise break a rule. ERB expires when the rule encouraged to break would have expired. Warning. 1 hour suspension.
12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban. Game Throwing: Intentionally playing against your win condition or not playing to win. Includes fake claims made for any other purpose than strategy as well as voting someone based on a grudge.
Forcing a draw (meteor) when you are not faced with an autolose situation falls under this category as well, since lynching/killing would give you a chance to win. Expires in 6 months. 24 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban.
Game Related Suicide: Suiciding or intentionally vegging for any game related reason. Expires in 3 months. 1 hour suspension.
12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban. Insufficient Participation: Not participating sufficiently over the course of a game and/or an undefined period of time when addressed by another player or by a threat of votes. Sufficient participation does not include: Using gimmicks to speak - talking about non-game related things - Pretending to be AFK - vote flashing/using votes to communicate (excludes silencer setups and co.) Violation may also be applied if a user causes a loss due to a lack of game-related effort. This rule is only lightly moderated in red heart games. Expires in 3 months.
Warning. 1 hour suspension. 12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban.
Lobby Camping: Deliberately joining multiple games with people who are trying to avoid you in order to antagonize them. Expires in 6 months. Warning. Lobby Ban. Lobby Trolling: Any disruptive actions in the lobby or lobby chat can be seen as lobby trolling, including leaving and rejoining games repeatedly. This rule also applies to unranked games.
Expires in 6 months. Warning. Lobby Ban. Outside Game Influence: Using tools or processes outside of a game in a game including, but not limited to: posting on profiles, lobbies, or the forums revealing game-related information, clearly stated meta posted on profile, whether followed or not, reporting a player in a game in progress, using third party functions or sites to make in-game decisions, bribes or threats (such as karma, kudos, and reporting), and pregame pacts. Expires in 3 months. Warning.
12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban. Repeated Suicides: Repeated suiciding in multiple games. Suicide rate can be used to determine this. Provide a reference game when reporting for this.
Expires in 6 months. Warning. 1 hour suspension. 12 hour suspension. 24 hour suspension. Lobby Ban.
Spamming:Repeatedly sending the same message and/or chat flooding. Includes vote spamming. In extreme cases, if someone has received ample warning, and gameplay is disrupted across several games, a violation may be given in unranked Main Lobby. Expires in 2 months. Warning. 1 hour suspension. 12 hour suspension.
24 hour suspension.Lobby Ban. Trolling: Antagonizing other players, disrupting gameplay through actions or communications, or otherwise playing to get negative reactions from other players. Expires in 3 months. 1 hour suspension.
12 hour suspension. Mars mineral pin mixer manual. 24 hour suspension. Lobby BanReport ViolationsRegarding Reports. Punishments may differ at the discretion of a moderator.8th Violation Ban:Accumulating 8 active violations across all accounts results in a ban.
Once all violations expire, the ban is lifted. Lobby BanLobby ban:Used to signify lobby bans from Main Lobby.
Thus, there are no infringements. Most likely issued upon reaching the limit of certain violations.Note:This isn't a violation per se. It's here so that we can draw attention to reports against users in future. This has no infractions and doesn't count towards the 8 violation limit.Report Spam:Wasting our time by spamming the report section, abusing the report function, linking photoshopped/altered images in a report in order to attempt to apply a violation onto a user, or continuously posting useless reports. Includes commenting in reports after being asked to stop by a moderator.
Reports will be filed for report spam by the moderators. If a user reports someone for it, they may receive a report spam violation. Expires in 2 months. Warning. BanCommunity ViolationsViolations regarding ALL games, forums, profiles, etc.
Messages sent via profile are also moderated.Bypassing SuspensionsUsing an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind. Helping someone bypass by posting for them on the forums can also lead to this violation. Expires in 6 months. Bypassing SuspensionsUsing an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind.
At the start of a mafia game, everyone is given a role and, if playing with a deck (for example one of the two Red vs Blue decks) will also be assigned a character to be for that game.
There are two main sides as well as third party roles. Which side you are on will decide what your goal in the game is. The sides are:
The Villagers: Most of the players are these. The villagers are the good guys. They win the game by finding out who the mafia members are and killing them off, primarily through voting to lynch them. All villager icons seem to face to the right.
The Mafia: The bad guys. If your role icon is dressed in black and facing to the left, you’re part of the mafia. The mafia’s goal is to kill off villagers each night until both sides are equal in number, at which point they win. If there’s only one mafia, they have to kill all but one. If two, they have to kill all but two, and so on.
Third Party Roles: These are roles who have their own goals, which vary depending on the role. Sometimes they’ll be helpful for the villagers, sometimes for the mafia, and sometimes they’re just out to kill everyone or don’t care who wins. If your role icon is facing to the right, they’re a beneficial or neutral role, if they’re facing to the left they’re an evil role. So if you’re a third party, this can help you quickly figure out if you’re against everyone or not.
Most games will start during the DAY, then progress to NIGHT, and then just loop constantly until the game is completed.
During the day:
-Everyone can talk to each other.
-Everyone can vote to lynch someone, which is usually done when someone is suspected of being mafia.
-Depending on their role, some people can perform DAY ACTIONS. An example is that anyone who holds a gun can choose to shoot someone.
-The day is where the bulk of the game takes place. People will often whisper to each other and try to quietly figure out each other’s agendas while trying not to give anything away to anyone who could potentially be mafia.
During the night:
-Only the mafia members can talk to each other.
-The mafia vote on who to attack that night.
-Everyone can edit their WILL.This is often used to out people if you suspect someone but think you will die before you can prove it.
-Depending on their role, some people can perform NIGHT ACTIONS. For a doctor, this would mean choosing someone to protect, for the blacksmiths and gunsmiths it would mean making a gun or vest for someone.
Whether it is day or night, the game does not progress until everyone has:
- Voted. In the day, this means voting for a lynching. Most days will end with everyone voting ‘No One.’ In the night, this means the mafia voting on who to kill. They can also choose ‘No One’ but probably won’t.
- Everyone has performed their DAY or NIGHT ACTIONS. If the game is not progressing but everyone’s voted, someone’s forgotten to do one. Click 'No One’ if you don’t want to use your action.
There are far too many roles to cover quickly. If you don’t know what your role is when a game starts, consult this link: https://epicmafia.com/role (Light blue roles are villagers, grey ones are mafia and yellow ones are third parties. Not all of these will be in every game, the game usually has only the basic ones.)
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However, I’ll cover quickly some of the more common roles.
Cop: The cop can investigate one person each night and get told whether they’re guilty (aka mafia) or innocent (aka a villager or most third parties.) However, it’s not that simple. A cop will always look like a regular cop to himself and others. However, he could be an Insane Cop. An insane cop will always get the verdict backwards, and see innocents as guilty and guilty as innocent. There are also less used variants, such as the Naive, Paranoid and Confused cops, but they rarely turn up in games.
Doctor: A doctor chooses one person a night to protect. If the mafia tries to kill the person the doctor is protecting that night, they fail.
Gunsmith: A gunsmith makes guns and can hand out one gun a night. Guns can be used during the day to shoot people.
Blacksmith: Similar to the gunsmith, except they make bulletproof vests. A vest can take one bullet, which means if someone shoots you either during the day or if the mafia attacks you at night, you can survive one attack.
Drunk: A drunk chooses one person a night and stops them from taking their night action. If he chooses a mafia member, they can’t kill that night. If he chooses a doctor or a blacksmith, however, they can’t perform their duties either.
Bulletproof: The bulletproof is just a regular villager, but he comes with a bulletproof vest of his own and thus can survive one attack.
Bleeder: The bleeder is similar to the bulletproof, but less effective. A bleeder will survive an initial attack (whether being attacked by the mafia or shot at during the day) but will bleed from it, and die at the end of the day.
Lightkeeper: The lightkeeper has no function until his death. However, the day after he dies everyone’s names are obscured in the chat, and thus no-one can tell who is talking.
Mafia roles are not going to be explained here because it would involve going too far into strategy, but a lot of mafia roles have counterparts to villager roles or ones designed to fake out the villagers. Besides that, they mostly involve creative ways of killing people.
These are never guaranteed in a game either, but this is just to show a few of the common ones and give an idea of the varied goals of the third parties.
Lover: The lover picks a player on the first evening. Them and the player they pick fall in love. The lover wins if the player they choose to love wins, but if either the lover or the player they pick dies, both of them die.
Werewolf: The werewolf’s goal is similar to the mafia, in that they are trying to outnumber everyone else. The difference is that they also have to outnumber the mafia. Each night they can visit a person and try to guess their role. If they guess correctly, they can eat that person and become invulnerable for a day. If they guess wrong, they not only fail but are revealed as a werewolf to everyone else.
Amnesiac: The amnesiac can visit a person in the graveyard. Upon visiting that person, they become the same role the dead person was. An amnesiac visiting a cop would become a cop, one visiting a doctor would become a doctor, and so on.
-Remember to double-check if you’ve done your Day or Night Actions if the game is refusing to progress. If you don’t and you accidentally hold up the game, you will likely get auto-kicked, since no-one else can tell who’s holding up the game.
-If you’re mafia and you’re trying to lie about your role, make sure to pick a role that is actually in the game.
-To whisper, click the whisper button. To stop whispering, click it again.
-Whispers can leak. There’s always a chance someone will hear you. You can also choose to leak whispers on purpose.
-Preferably don’t shoot people on the first day. That’s just douchey and we all want a chance to RP for a bit.
That’s about it for now. Sorry for the length, but I wanted to make sure it had as much information as possible!
Credit goes to Vio for taking the time to make this.