Swordigo Trinkets

Swordigo Trinkets Average ratng: 3,6/5 472 reviews

Swordigo application developer short description: run, jump and fight your way through a vast world to defeat the spreading corruption. A great adventure explore a magical realm of dungeons, towns, treasures and devious monsters. How to use skybreak welcome to the game 2.

Map for reference:Detailed route planner:Broadly the route for current any% with coin doubler WR is:Levelling: Simple - level magic until full and thereafter level health.Equipment: Don't bother with any swords or the frost trinket.Chests: See route planner for details of which chests are opened and which ones are not bothered with.First part:1. Go get the fireball spell as normal (3).2. Journey to (5).

Speak to the Ferryman for his key but do not do the vase quest. Instead, stack two pots at the river crossing and you can jump across, thereby pocketing the key as a spare for later use.3.

Journey to (8) and by the portal you will hopefully have at least 150 coin. Warp back to (1) and buy the fire trinket and equip to magic.3. Warp back to (8). At (9) do not bother killing the knight (Ivan) on the upper level, skip that.

Perform the wall clip (as shown in the WR at about 11 mins into the video) to pocket another spare key.4. At (10) get the bomb spell as normal and death warp back to the portal.5. Onto (11) and kill the first boss as normal. Ideally you level up after the first stage of the boss to replenish your mana (see the plan on how to manage when level ups happen, below).Second part:6. From (1) journey to (7) and take lower route, bombing the rock wall.7. Onto (15) and take the upmost path to get the shadow trinket (after obtaining it, death warp back to portal). Family farm seaside cheat engine.

Equip to sword normally thereafter except when you need to top up your health.8. Onto (17) and get key from the guards. Quit and reload for a time save.9. Onto (18) as normal. Hopefully you have the 300 coin to buy plate armour.9.

After getting the key, do the wall clip to save using it (as shown in the WR at about 25:25 in the video).10. Fight Overseer (22) as normal.Third Part:11. From (18), go onto (26) as normal.12.

Take upper path and onto the portal at (29), and warp back to (26) then take lower path to Great Caves.13. Follow the route through the cave as per the video. Silver bandit killed for decent coins.14. Onto fire world (36) and get Dragon Grasp spell as normal. After getting the spell, death warp to portal at (39) and warp to ice world (29).Fourth part:15. Do not bother with the golden boulder quest, just carry on to (46).16. At (47) kill Edogani for good coin and XP, then back to (46) to warp back to (26) to buy the magic armour and a potion if you have enough coin.

Warp back to (46).17. At (47) do not bother with the upper route to get the key, just carry on and do Hall of Trials (50) to obtain the Rift spell, then death warp back to (48) and take upper path to kill the corruptor for his key (then quit reload back to the portal).18. Warp to (18) to go to the healer and buy a potion if necessary.Fifth part:19. Warp to (15) and take lower path to World's End Keep (53).20. In WEK take upper left path to kill corruptor for his key, get the key to the upper right with the vanishing platforms, then onto next key at the fireball gauntlet section.21. Use grasp to access the upper platform and get the chest with coin and XP. Carry on to (54).

Do not bother going the lower route to Bishop for his key as you should have one spare one left.22. Fight the final boss first stage ('FB1'). Easily the toughest part of the run - a potion is essential and you must aim to be within 28 points of the next level up before entering the fight so that you can kill a blob and level up to replenish health and mana. Equip shadow trinket to the sword and fire to magic, as normal.23. As soon as FB1 shows up and rift spell lifts, recast rift to force FB1 to stay on the ground and keep hitting him, using sword hits to replenish mana when needed. Try to kill a blob to level up only once you are low on mana and health (aim to have got the boss down to 55% by that stage).24. Replenish mana whilst killing the easy second stage (the dark sphere), and kill the Master of Chaos using the instakill glitch.

The glitch is not massively consistent but if you run furthest right where he cannot reach you, there is a window of a few frames just after he takes a swing and has his back turned to you where you can fireball / dragon grasp him and it will cause him to jump at you again and clip into the floor, dying instantly. In my WR this takes seconds, but it can take minutes.Level up planning:A sheet tracking xp and coin progress on a mob-by-mob basis along the any% route is linked at the top of this guide. You can change the route by selecting (1) / deselecting (0) mobs and chests etc in the 'Y/N' column.Note that xp gain from mobs is tied to not only the mob level but also the player's attack level, so the higher level on kill, the lower the xp yield. Conversely, xp gain from xp chests is higher the higher level the player is when they open the chest. Accordingly, changing the route on the attached schedule too much may give rise to some inaccuracies.The object (as originally suggested by Zarcatus) is to plan to be in the 8,686-8712xp (if planning to finish at lvl 12) or 10,604-10,631xp (if planning to finish at lvl 13) window by the time you get to the FB1 fight, to then kill a blob during the fight and level up, replenishing xp and mana.

Pyodro, 3-4-2019 Outstanding gameA great 2.5D action adventure platformer game that reminds me a lot of Zelda 2 on the NES.Plays very smoothly, controls are generally very responsive and the ability to move around HUD elements and the button layout through the settings menu was a great move.The music is very good. Didn’t mind reusal of the same tracks for various areas, though more musical variety definitely wouldn’t be bad. Sound effects are fine, too.The 3d graphics are. I can imagine that they had to be made simple in order for the game to run so smoothly, but even then the human models simply look unsettling (especially in close-ups).

Some enemy models also feel like they don’t belong in this game (like the mages or thieves), even though these models actually look quite good due to their simplicity. Colors clash and some textures look like they won’t age well. The 2D backgrounds are oftentimes jarring and can mess with your perception of foreground elements.

The background art should be less busy and distracting and should complement the foreground assets.In short, could be significantly better, but not entirely horrible.The story may not be something new, but it was good enough to fit the setting and give the player a nice little backdrop to what they’re doing.Collecting treasures and finding new loot is nice, though the loot wasn’t very varied (mostly money or xp). Still enjoyed getting 100% completion.Even though there is an inventory and a status screen, there isn’t a lot of menuing, which keeps the gameplay flowing.More customization options would be nice. New swords only serve as damage upgrades, making previous swords obsolete. There are only two types of armor, too (excluding the starting green outfit). The trinkets are a cool idea and I would’ve loved to see more than the three we have now (this would offer a solution to my customization issue and increase replayability).The magic spells are a neat mixture of Zelda 1’s items and Zelda 2’s spells that slightly act like Metroid-like progression keys. Would’ve loved to see more of them (some can be optional, purely for the sake of convenience).All nitpicks aside, this was great game.

Swordigo trinkets locations

Would love to see a sequel (I would pay for it, too). Great job, you guys:D.