Katawa Shoujo Characters

Katawa Shoujo Characters Average ratng: 4,1/5 1081 reviews

Name: Katawa ShoujoPublisher: Four Leaf StudiosRelease date: 2012-01-04Amount of gameplay: 10-30 hoursNakai Hisao is a normal high school student, currently in his final year of high school. One day Hisao receives a letter from parties unknown in his locker and waits at the written place for the sender. The person who wrote the letter turns out to be his crush; while speaking to her, he suddenly collapses.

Katawa Shoujo (かたわ少女, translated as 'Disability Girls') is a English-language Bishoujo Game Visual Novel developed by 4 Leaf Studios. It's also an Eroge, though there is an option to disable adult content. Hisao Nakai, a normal boy living a normal life, has it turned upside down when a. Troubled over his months-long stay at the hospital after his heart almost gave out and trying to adjust to his new surroundings, he is trying hard to find his place.

He awakes in a hospital bed, and is told by the doctors that the reason he collapsed is due to arrhythmia, a rare heart condition that causes his heartbeat to sometimes become irregular. Due to this, his parents have enrolled him in Yamaku, a school for disabled students of all kinds.About the GameKatawa Shoujo is a slice of life/romance VN and is one of the first VNs who has become this successful with a western origin.

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Four Leaf Studios are group of people from 4-chan to make their own VN. The game has 5 routes and a game over end if you fail to enter any of the 5. Among these 5 routes 3 of them has good, normal and bad endings and 2 of them has only good and bad endings. You're free to start from whichever route you like though I suggest to play Lily after finishing Hanako's route. There are few things in her route which can be understood better once you finish Hanako's.This VN also has 11 h-scenes where you have the option to skip them or not.Main CharactersNakai Hisao. Hisao is our protagonist who has an arrhythmia.Due to his heart condition he had to be hospitalised for a few months and after that he's been transferred to Yamaku, a school for disabled students. His hobbies are reading and soccer which he can't do the latter anymore due to his condition.Hisao is a character I liked in this VN.

If you ask me why I'd say because as a character he felt too realistic. At the start of the game he's depressed because of he felt like he lost his life or something like that, as the game progress he's a lot more optimistic, more welcoming this change and ready to move on.Ikezawa Hanako. A classmate of Hisao who had a traumatic experience in a very young age. She's disfigured permanently due to the burn marks on her body.

Extremely reclusive, shunning herself from almost anyone. Her only trusted friend is Lily.Her route focuses on self-confidence and courage. In her route, we witness both Hanako and Hisao to slowly gain these two traits to stand up and face the hardships of their lives. But of course it's not easy to achieve such a thing. To face their past, their pains their inner desires takes quite amount of strength to face it. This route is quite emotional compared to the rest and I really liked it.Satou Lily. Class rep of class 3-2 and the best friend of Hanako, which the 2 have a very close friendship.

She's caring, friendly, diligent, responsible and confident. She likes to drink tea.Her route focuses on burdens and sharing. Keeping your troubles to yourself and not telling anyone nor asking help from them because you don't want to worry them won't help, but might worry them even more. This route is really sweet and touching and is my favourite.

Also, for some reason this route felt like the true route because unlike the other ones who only gives us satisfying conclusions about Hisao and that route's heroine, this route gives satisfying conclusions about many of the characters.Ibarazaki Emi. Despite being left with legs amputated below the knee, Emi is perhaps one of the most cheery, happy-go-lucky girls on the entire globe, let alone the school. Not one to be left in despair even after the accident that claimed her legs, Emi views her disability more as a blessing, her prosthetic legs having brought her to the heights of her ability on the track team rather than becoming a permanent obstacle.Her route focuses on trust and secrets. Keeping secrets because you believe no one can help you nor trusting them to help you is what's shaping this route.

This route is actually quite funny, just like Emi. There are many scenes that gave me quite the laugh. Of course it's not lacking in terms of emotional stuff as well.Tezuka Rin.

Emi's best friend who has no arms. Because of her condition she uses her feet to do everything so she's wearing boys uniform. But don't let her condition to fool you she's REALLY GOOD at drawing. She's a weirdo to the core but quite philosophical at the same time which also reflects to her paintings.Her route focuses on finding oneself.

Behind her philosophical thoughts and paintings, she's actually in search of something non-stop. This search will make us see interesting things. Her route is weird and philosophical just like herself. I assure you though this route is really interesting and I like it.Hakamichi Shizune.

Classmate of Hisao and the student council president. She might be deaf and mute, but that's no problem for her. Strong willed and forceful, fearsome and manipulative but fair and a just leader at the same time. She's too confident in herself if not arrogant.Her route focuses on relationship with others. In this route we witness the relationships with other people, especially Misha. She's forceful and idealistic which is something not everyone can handle.

A good example that she tried to make Hisao to join the student council. Compared to the rest, this route is the least emotional one but still good.Mikado Shiina (Misha). Mikado Shiina (her nickname Misha) is the best friend and interpreter of Shizune. Another member of the student council who joins in Shizune's attempts to make Hisao to join the student council. She's cheerful, playful and really energetic.While she herself is not a heroine, due to the fact she and Shizune are an inseparable duo she's a major character in the game. She's a character I really liked because they're like a double trouble which makes the route really funny.

Actually, they're a straight up comedy duo.The UpsThe plot is good. While there are many slice of life/romance VNs out there explaining the situations of disabled people is something we don't see everyday. They make quite a good job in terms of romance and about the emotional impact. They're not the type which makes you feel pity but more like a better understanding of the disabled people. It is also not too long to make people to get bored in the middle of the routes.The character developments are the main selling point in this VN.

They made an awesome in job in this. Every character made me feel complex emotions because of their situations. They're not rushed and non-stop so it made me feel satisfied at the finish.The drawings are nice. Rather than the usual anime style, this VN uses canvas style drawings. While they're not that awesome it's a nice touch.The soundtracks are pretty good.

They make a nice atmosphere, the emotional impact becomes much better with them.DownsShizune's route felt a little inconclusive. The ending is nice and all, but it can be better. In terms of romance this route is also pretty light.

And for Rin (It's definitely not a problem for me) it forces to use your brain to understand the discussions with hee. The number of times you have an conversation without trying to understand the meanings behind her words are close to 0.While this can be open for discussion, which is not that big of a problem in my opinion, there's no voice cover for the characters. Well, maybe with them it would become better because the voices can make the characters emotions to stand out even more.Now time for my final words about the game. For an American fan-made VN this is super good. Four Leaf Studios surely impressed me with this. But not because of well developed characters or impressive plot and/or romance. This game is actually made think about many things are about the disabled people or the hardships of life.

They're not an unlucky bunch of society. Or their differences are not a reason for difference in treatment (I meant in a good way:grin: ). Although I always told myself these after reading this VN I got an ever better understanding of this. So I'm actually thankful for Four Leaf Studios and I'll definitely recommend you to read this.

That's all from me see you next time.My route preferenceLilyHanakoRinEmiShizune.

Name: Katawa ShoujoPublisher: Four Leaf StudiosRelease date: 2012-01-04Amount of gameplay: 10-30 hoursNakai Hisao is a normal high school student, currently in his final year of high school. One day Hisao receives a letter from parties unknown in his locker and waits at the written place for the sender.

The person who wrote the letter turns out to be his crush; while speaking to her, he suddenly collapses. He awakes in a hospital bed, and is told by the doctors that the reason he collapsed is due to arrhythmia, a rare heart condition that causes his heartbeat to sometimes become irregular. Due to this, his parents have enrolled him in Yamaku, a school for disabled students of all kinds.About the GameKatawa Shoujo is a slice of life/romance VN and is one of the first VNs who has become this successful with a western origin. Four Leaf Studios are group of people from 4-chan to make their own VN. The game has 5 routes and a game over end if you fail to enter any of the 5. Among these 5 routes 3 of them has good, normal and bad endings and 2 of them has only good and bad endings. You're free to start from whichever route you like though I suggest to play Lily after finishing Hanako's route.

There are few things in her route which can be understood better once you finish Hanako's.This VN also has 11 h-scenes where you have the option to skip them or not.Main CharactersNakai Hisao. Hisao is our protagonist who has an arrhythmia.Due to his heart condition he had to be hospitalised for a few months and after that he's been transferred to Yamaku, a school for disabled students.

His hobbies are reading and soccer which he can't do the latter anymore due to his condition.Hisao is a character I liked in this VN. If you ask me why I'd say because as a character he felt too realistic.

At the start of the game he's depressed because of he felt like he lost his life or something like that, as the game progress he's a lot more optimistic, more welcoming this change and ready to move on.Ikezawa Hanako. A classmate of Hisao who had a traumatic experience in a very young age. She's disfigured permanently due to the burn marks on her body. Extremely reclusive, shunning herself from almost anyone. Her only trusted friend is Lily.Her route focuses on self-confidence and courage. In her route, we witness both Hanako and Hisao to slowly gain these two traits to stand up and face the hardships of their lives.

But of course it's not easy to achieve such a thing. To face their past, their pains their inner desires takes quite amount of strength to face it. This route is quite emotional compared to the rest and I really liked it.Satou Lily.

Class rep of class 3-2 and the best friend of Hanako, which the 2 have a very close friendship. She's caring, friendly, diligent, responsible and confident.

She likes to drink tea.Her route focuses on burdens and sharing. Keeping your troubles to yourself and not telling anyone nor asking help from them because you don't want to worry them won't help, but might worry them even more. This route is really sweet and touching and is my favourite. Also, for some reason this route felt like the true route because unlike the other ones who only gives us satisfying conclusions about Hisao and that route's heroine, this route gives satisfying conclusions about many of the characters.Ibarazaki Emi.

Despite being left with legs amputated below the knee, Emi is perhaps one of the most cheery, happy-go-lucky girls on the entire globe, let alone the school. Not one to be left in despair even after the accident that claimed her legs, Emi views her disability more as a blessing, her prosthetic legs having brought her to the heights of her ability on the track team rather than becoming a permanent obstacle.Her route focuses on trust and secrets.

Keeping secrets because you believe no one can help you nor trusting them to help you is what's shaping this route. This route is actually quite funny, just like Emi. There are many scenes that gave me quite the laugh. Of course it's not lacking in terms of emotional stuff as well.Tezuka Rin.

Emi's best friend who has no arms. Because of her condition she uses her feet to do everything so she's wearing boys uniform. But don't let her condition to fool you she's REALLY GOOD at drawing. She's a weirdo to the core but quite philosophical at the same time which also reflects to her paintings.Her route focuses on finding oneself. Behind her philosophical thoughts and paintings, she's actually in search of something non-stop.

This search will make us see interesting things. Her route is weird and philosophical just like herself. I assure you though this route is really interesting and I like it.Hakamichi Shizune. Classmate of Hisao and the student council president. She might be deaf and mute, but that's no problem for her.

Strong willed and forceful, fearsome and manipulative but fair and a just leader at the same time. She's too confident in herself if not arrogant.Her route focuses on relationship with others. In this route we witness the relationships with other people, especially Misha. She's forceful and idealistic which is something not everyone can handle. A good example that she tried to make Hisao to join the student council. Compared to the rest, this route is the least emotional one but still good.Mikado Shiina (Misha).

Mikado Shiina (her nickname Misha) is the best friend and interpreter of Shizune. Another member of the student council who joins in Shizune's attempts to make Hisao to join the student council. She's cheerful, playful and really energetic.While she herself is not a heroine, due to the fact she and Shizune are an inseparable duo she's a major character in the game. She's a character I really liked because they're like a double trouble which makes the route really funny. Actually, they're a straight up comedy duo.The UpsThe plot is good.

While there are many slice of life/romance VNs out there explaining the situations of disabled people is something we don't see everyday. They make quite a good job in terms of romance and about the emotional impact. They're not the type which makes you feel pity but more like a better understanding of the disabled people.

It is also not too long to make people to get bored in the middle of the routes.The character developments are the main selling point in this VN. They made an awesome in job in this. Every character made me feel complex emotions because of their situations. They're not rushed and non-stop so it made me feel satisfied at the finish.The drawings are nice.

Rather than the usual anime style, this VN uses canvas style drawings. While they're not that awesome it's a nice touch.The soundtracks are pretty good.

They make a nice atmosphere, the emotional impact becomes much better with them.DownsShizune's route felt a little inconclusive. The ending is nice and all, but it can be better. In terms of romance this route is also pretty light. And for Rin (It's definitely not a problem for me) it forces to use your brain to understand the discussions with hee. The number of times you have an conversation without trying to understand the meanings behind her words are close to 0.While this can be open for discussion, which is not that big of a problem in my opinion, there's no voice cover for the characters.

You can explore anywhere, unfettered, and in realtime! Realmyst vs myst ios.

Well, maybe with them it would become better because the voices can make the characters emotions to stand out even more.Now time for my final words about the game. For an American fan-made VN this is super good. Four Leaf Studios surely impressed me with this.

But not because of well developed characters or impressive plot and/or romance. This game is actually made think about many things are about the disabled people or the hardships of life. They're not an unlucky bunch of society. Or their differences are not a reason for difference in treatment (I meant in a good way:grin: ). Although I always told myself these after reading this VN I got an ever better understanding of this.

So I'm actually thankful for Four Leaf Studios and I'll definitely recommend you to read this. That's all from me see you next time.My route preferenceLilyHanakoRinEmiShizune.